软件大小: | 8.49 MB |
软件语言: | 简体中文 |
软件类别: | 黑客教学 - 黑客动画 |
授权方式: | 共享版 |
应用平台: | Win9X/2000/XP/2003/ |
更新时间: | 2008/8/19 13:47:27 |
开 发 商: | 暂无信息 |
联 系 人: | 暂无联系方式 |
分享收藏 | |
解压密码: | 本站默认解压密码:www.987654321sf.com |
推荐等级: | ![]() |
会员中心: | 【账号登录】 【账号注册】 开通VIP下载流程 |
查毒情况: | ![]() |
大家好啊!··我是QQ:524828167 今天给大家带来的教程 用VB做图像格式转换工具!
好 教程开始! 我为了节省大家的时间!我把代码编写好了1~~现在我们来看下 我
顺便制作了个漂亮的界面 呵呵~!
Dim res As Integer
Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As '设置变量 常量。Any) As Long
Private Sub Cmd_Cancel_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_OK_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "请您输入转换格式!!", 48, "提示信息"
ElseIf Text2.Text = "" Or Text3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "请选择转换前和转换后的文件路径!!", 48, "提示信息"
Me.MousePointer = 11
Cmd_OK.Enabled = False
Dim i, j, w, h, w1, h1, k As Integer
If Txt_Height <> "" Then h = Val(Txt_Height.Text) Else h = Picture1.ScaleHeight
If Txt_Width <> "" Then w = Val(Txt_Width.Text) Else w = Picture1.ScaleWidth
w1 = w / 15
h1 = h / 15
Picture2.Width = w
Picture2.Height = h
Picture1.Scale (0, 0)-(w1, h1)
Picture2.Scale (0, 0)-(w1, h1)
For i = 1 To w1
For j = 1 To h1
Picture2.PSet (i, j), Picture1.Point(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Picture2.Picture = Picture2.Image
SavePicture Picture2.Image, Text3.Text & "." & Mid(Combo1.Text, 3, Len(Combo1.Text) - 1)
MsgBox "格式转换成功完成!!", 64, "提示信息"
Cmd_OK.Enabled = True
Me.MousePointer = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_select1_Click()
On Error GoTo X
Common1.Filter = "所有文件(*.*)|*.*"
Text2.Text = Common1.FileName
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Text2.Text)
Picture1.Picture = Image1.Picture
Exit Sub
MsgBox "无效图片!", 64, "提示信息"
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_select2_Click()
Common1.Filter = "所有文件(*.*)|*.*"
Text3.Text = Common1.FileName
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture()
Picture1.Picture = Image1.Picture
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "*.ico" Then
Txt_Height.Enabled = False
Txt_Width.Enabled = False
Combo2.Enabled = True
Txt_Height.Enabled = True
Txt_Width.Enabled = True
Combo2.Enabled = False
Txt_Height.Text = ""
Txt_Width.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Combo2_Change()
If Combo2.Text = "16×16" Then
Txt_Height.Text = 300
Txt_Width.Text = 300
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "32×32" Then
Txt_Height.Text = 540
Txt_Width.Text = 540
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "64×64" Then
Txt_Height.Text = 1020
Txt_Width.Text = 1020
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Combo2_Click()
If Combo2.Text = "16×16" Then
Txt_Height.Text = 300
Txt_Width.Text = 300
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "32×32" Then
Txt_Height.Text = 540
Txt_Width.Text = 540
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "64×64" Then
Txt_Height.Text = 1020
Txt_Width.Text = 1020
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem "*.ico"
Combo1.AddItem "*.jpg"
Combo1.AddItem "*.bmp"
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
Combo2.AddItem "16×16"
Combo2.AddItem "32×32"
Combo2.AddItem "64×64"
Combo2.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1.BorderStyle = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Pic_BJ_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
Dim ReturnVal As Long
X = ReleaseCapture()
ReturnVal = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Pic_BJ_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1.BorderStyle = 0
End Sub
用到的控件有:Microsoft common dialog control 6.0 (SP3)的 (推荐大家使用企业版VB!)
好~现在 这个控件就是使用浏览图片的!!~~大家如果没有就去 工程 部件里面添加!~
Private Sub Text2_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Text3_Change()
End Sub
大家看到了 这两个控件我没给他们代码!@!是为什么呢? 我们大家再来研究上面的代码!
!呵呵· 好我们再来测试一下! OK 好! 我来找个图片 默认是16*16 当然 64*64比较好!~~ 大
家看见了吧 我们自己编写个 以后就可以用这个程序改写木马的图标了。。就像熊猫烧香一样!制
0作自己的图标!我们也可以把自己的照片放上去 ~~嘎嘎1~呵呵·~
本人联系方式:QQ:524828167 好 教程就到这里了