- 传奇服务端
- 传世服务端
- 奇迹服务端
- 魔兽服务端
- 千年服务端
- 传奇3服务端
- 天堂2服务端
- Ro服务端
- 劲舞团服务端
- 石器服务端
- 龙族服务端
- 劲乐团服务端
- 美丽世界服务端
- 泡泡堂服务端
- 英雄王座服务端
- 大话西游服务端
- 坦克宝贝服务端
- 墨香服务端
- 倚天I服务端
- 绝对女神服务端
- 梦幻西游服务端
- 欢乐潜水艇
- 新英雄门服务端
- 天使服务端
- UO服务端
- 精灵服务端
- 神迹服务端
- 新天上碑服务端
- 永恒OL服务端
- 乱Online
- A3服务端
- 骑士服务端
- 棋牌源码
- 时时彩服务端
- 神话服务端
- DAoc服务端
- 命运服务端
- 魔力宝贝服务端
- 热血江湖服务端
- 决战服务端
- 传说OL服务端
- 冒险岛服务端
- 科洛斯服务端
- 剑侠情缘服务端
- 红月服务端
- 魔域服务端
- 江湖OL服务端
- 梦幻森林服务端
- 天堂I服务端
- 日月传说服务端
- 时空之泪服务端
- 奇迹世界服务端
- 风云服务端
- 完美世界服务端
- 新魔界服务端
- 海盗王服务端
- 征服服务端
- RF服务端
- 真封神服务端
- 机战服务端
- 天龙八部服务端
- 惊天动地服务端
- 三国OL服务端
- 征途服务端
- 传奇外传服务端
- 飞飞服务端
- 网页游戏
- 破天一剑服务端
- 投名状服务端
- 仙境传说服务端
- 永恒之塔服务端
- 传奇归来服务端
- 诛仙服务端
- 科洛斯服务端
- 武林外传服务端
- 稀有游戏服务端
- 武林群侠传2服务端
- 蜀门服务端
- 神奇服务端
- 丝路传说
- 挑战服务端
- 功夫世界服务端
- 突袭OL服务端
- 傲世服务端
- 盛大富翁
- 蒸汽幻想服务端
- 刀Online服务端
- 希望OL服务端
- 猛将OL服务端
- 密传服务端
- 天地OL服务端
- 星钻物语服务端
- 露娜ol服务端
- 幻灵游侠服务端
- 神泣服务端
- 问道服务端
- 鬼魅服务端
- 新天骄服务端
- 吞食天地2服务端
- 国威OL服务端
- 天道服务端
- 战国英雄服务端
- 大话战国服务端
- 倚天Ⅱ服务端
- 武魂服务端
- 仙侣奇缘服务端
- 赤壁服务端
- 梦幻古龙服务端
- 梦幻龙族服务端
- 天下无双服务端
- 凤舞天骄服务端
- 星愿OL服务端
- 乌龙学院服务端
- 真·武侠无双服务端
- QQ西游服务端
- 弹弹堂服务端
- 疯狂坦克服务端
- 霸王大陆服务端
- 手机游戏服务端
- DNF服务端
软件大小: | 6.01 MB |
软件语言: | 简体中文 |
软件类别: | 服务器端 - 冒险岛服务端 |
授权方式: | 共享版 |
应用平台: | Win2000/XP/2003/Vista/ |
更新时间: | 2009/1/15 2:29:47 |
开 发 商: | 暂无信息 |
联 系 人: | 暂无联系方式 |
分享收藏 | |
解压密码: | 本站默认解压密码:www.987654321sf.com |
推荐等级: | ![]() |
会员中心: | 【账号登录】 【账号注册】 开通VIP下载流程 |
查毒情况: | ![]() |
ThePack FAQ
Q: Why can't I login?
A: Make sure you have the correct java settings, SQLs all run, and ports forwarded.
Q: Why can't I create a character?
A: You most likely did not run the SQLs, or loadFromDb in MapleCharacter.java is messed up.
Q: Is my server getting hacked?
A: If you are running Revision 30 or higher (chances are, you are), you are not getting hacked.
Q: Are bosses glitched?
A: Boss drops have been reported as glitchy, but I assure you they are not glitched.
Q: What happened to MTS?
A: Go to world.properties and set MTS to true.
Q: Which SQLs do I run?
A: You run all the ones you haven't run yet. If this is your first time, run all of them.
Q: What happens if I cannot connect to the database?
A: Check db.properties
Q: I get errors like cannot parse int. What did I do?
A: You messed up in world.properties.
Q: What is karma in this repack?
Introduction to Karma
Karma is a new "fame" system written by Moogra that you cannot buy or trade for. Right now the benefits are low but it is easily customized. Karma saves into the database and is loaded once a player is logged in, like fame. There is no "karmalog" at the moment but that is not hard to make.
Raising and Dropping Karma
- Players with GM Level of 1 can view their own karma with @checkkarma
- Players with Karma of more than 40 can raise or lower another person's karma if they use one karma. They use the command @karma [raise/drop] [player].
- Players with GM Level of 3 or higher can raise normal player's karma by using the command !karma [up/down] [player] as long as [player]'s karma is above -25 and less than 25. When GMs raise or lower one's karma, all the super GMs and Admins are notified to prevent abuse.
- Players with GM Level of 4 or higher can raise or drop karma using the same command as GM Level of 3 but have no limit. They can also use !checkkarma [player] (ban/intern) where (ban/intern) is optional.
Karma Benefits
1. 30+ Karma means 1.1x exp
2. 40+ Karma you can raise or lower other people's karma
3. 40+ Karma you can change your name whenever you want
4. 50+ Karma means you can become a donator
5. -50 karma means you will be banned
Q: How does the GM level system work?
A: 5 = admin, 4 = super GM, 3 = gm, 2 = intern, 1= donator, 0 = normal
Q: Why don't my commands work?
A: Set your GM level of characters to 5, or make a new account with GM level 5 and remake character.
Q: OH NO! How do I unstuck myself? It says I am logged in, but I am not!
A: Run this sql UPDATE accounts SET loggedin = 0
Q: OH NO! I can't talk to NPCs! What do I do?
A: Use @dispose.
Q: How do I get to MTS?
A: Enable in World.properties.
Q: How do I change rates in game?
A: Use commands such as !exprate, !mesorate, etc.